PTO Store

The PTO needs your help! Please consider volunteering!


Name Price Quick Add
Room Parties (24-25)
Elementary school room parties
$10.00 per student
Hawthorn Eagles Car Magnet (24-25)
Staff Appreciation Luncheon - Spring 2025
Show your appreciation for our great school staff!
Online Dial (24-25) — Save $5 when you buy the Online Dial and Discount Card at the same time!
The 2024-25 class list, phone, email & address directory.
$15.00 per family
Discount Card (24-25) — Save $5 when you buy the Online Dial and Discount Card at the same time!
The 2025-25 product and service discounts
Discount Card - D73 Staff (24-25)
The 2024-25 product and service discounts at a reduced price for staff only
Hawthorn Eagles Keychain (24-25)
Hawthorn Hustle (24-25) Sponsor
Yard Sign: Home of an Eagle (24-25)

PTO Volunteer Opportunities!

We can't do it without parent volunteers!! If you're interested in helping during any of our fundraisers or programs, please check the boxes below. The committee chair will contact you closer to the event date.